Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I've been busy!

Hi All!

Thanks for all the wonderful comments! I've been over on 360 posting stuff on other subjects! Dropped in tonight and read some of the new posts recommended by Theresa. They sure hit home!

My goof ball sister called again the other night. She needed 30.00 to be able to leave her boyfriend, Huh? I just told her I couldn't because Hubbies out of work. She said she'd call me and let me know where she is! Thirty dollars, isn't that about the price of a quarter gram of dope? Sure not enough to move on! Oh well!

Meanwhile bio big bro has dropped out of sight! What'd I do? I think I'm a little pissed about it! I sent his wife a birthday card and have not heard anything back. While I'm not happy with the situation I do wonder if maybe just meeting them and seeing them once was enough. I guess time will tell.

Seems like I've been reading quite a few blogs from adoptee's who's mothers don't want to have anything to do with them. That's our greatest fear isn't it? I never got the chance to be rejected a second time because she was gone by the time I found her. I wonder some times still, would she have liked me? Would we have gotten along? Have I been spared additional pain by her death and don't know it?

Mother's Day came and went with the usual degree of depression. The kids both called but late enough in the day for me to believe that they weren't going to! While riding in our truck I wallowed in self pity that I never even got to say Happy Mother's day to my mother. The tears came.

How I wish there was a grave to visit! My mother's ashes are reported to be in some bikers attic in Sacramento, Ca. He's holding them ransom until my sister pays him the money she owes him! I would gladly go see this guy and fork over some cash but she won't cough up a name or address! I worry about what happens to them if something happens to my sister. I guess her grave is in my heart! This is the kind of stuff I don't mention on 360!

1 comment:

Ungrateful Little Bastard said...

This is just so hard. I'm sorry for such drama with them.